Your generosity can help us continue our vital work in spreading the message of hope and love to individuals and communities in need. We are truly grateful for your consideration of partnering with the Errol Rattray Evangelistic Association (EREA).

Planting Seeds of Hope:

In Galatians 6:7-8 (KJV), we are reminded, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

When you make a donation to EREA, you are sowing seeds of hope, faith, and transformation. Your contribution allows us to extend our hands to reach lives with the life-changing message of the gospel. Your support becomes a beacon of light for those facing darkness and challenges.

Ways to Partner with Us:

We offer various ways for you to partner with us in our mission:

  1. One-Time Donation: Your one-time gift makes an immediate impact and supports our ongoing initiatives.
  2. Recurring Monthly Donation: Become a recurring monthly giver, and your consistent support helps us plan and execute long-term projects and outreach.

How Your Donation Helps:

Your donation enables us to:

  • Conduct gospel-centered events and crusades.
  • Provide essential resources to those in need.
  • Support our outreach programs and charitable initiatives.
  • Spread messages of hope and faith to diverse communities.

Join Us in Making a Difference:

Every contribution, regardless of size, plays a vital and significant role in our mission. Your partnership empowers us to continue reaching out, touching hearts, and transforming lives.

Partner with us today and make a lasting impact. Your donation is an investment in the lives of others and a reflection of your commitment to the message of Christ’s love and hope.


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Donation Total: $100.00

We Thank You:

We express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous support. As you sow your seed, please know that you are sowing in good ground—a ground dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

Your partnership allows us to be the hands and feet of Christ, extending His love, grace, and compassion to those who need it most. Thank you for joining us in this transformative journey.

May God bless you abundantly as you partner with us in spreading His message of love and hope.

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